Legend www.pridemobility.com
www.pridemobility.com Legend
The symbols below are used on the scooter to identify warnings, mandatory actions, and prohibited actions. It is
very important for you to read and understand them completely.
Do not allow unsupervised children to play near the scooter while the batteries
are charging.
Pinch/Crush points created during assembly.
Maximum seating weight.
Read and follow the information in the owner’s manual.
EMI-RFI- This product has been tested and passed at an immunity level of 20 V/m.
Corrosive chemicals contained in battery. Use only AGM or Gel-Cell batteries to
reduce the risk of leakage or explosive conditions.
Removal of grounding prong can create electrical hazard. If necessary, properly
install an approved 3-pronged adapter to an electrical outlet having 2-pronged plug
Do not use a cell phone, walkie/talkie, laptop, or other radio transmitter while
Do not connect an extension cord to the AC/DC converter or the battery charger.
Do not remove anti-tip wheels.
Do not raise or lower the power seat while the scooter is in motion.
Front-to-rear plug orientation.
Avoid exposure to rain, snow, ice, salt, or standing water whenever possible.
Maintain and store in a clean and dry condition.
Use only AGM or Gel-Cell batteries.
Contact with tools can cause electrical shock.
Locked and in drive mode.
Unlocked and in freewheel mode.