Section 7: Installing and Using the PressPrint Software for Windows 47
Digital Label Press 3 User’s Manual
PressPrint for Windows is a software application program specifically designed for
use with your press. This program is required in order for the press to both print
and cut images.
PressPrint is primarily intended to be used as a type of print utility program in
which images created through other software applications can be imported,
contoured for cutting, duplicated, and sent to the press for production. It does,
however, include a variety of extra tools and menu selections in order to allow you
to create more simple label and decal designs directly.
This section will guide you through the installation process and will also explain
how to efficiently use PressPrint in its primary role of mass producing pre-
designed images. For details on PressPrint's more general capabilities, tools, and
menu selections, please refer to its extensive on-line Help menu.
PressPrint installs just like any other standard Windows application program. To
install PressPrint, simply close down all other programs and insert the software
installer disc into your computer's CD drive. PressPrint's Installer Program will
automatically open. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete installation.
Note that when the installer program displays the Font Installer dialog box, select
the Continue button to load all of your current system fonts into PressPrint. This
is necessary in order for PressPrint to recognize your system fonts.
Installing and Using
the PressPrint
Software for Windows
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