640 480 31.5 60
720 400 31.5 70
640 480 37.5 75
800 600 46.9 75
1024 768 60.0 75
1152 864 67.5 75
1280 1024 64.0 60
640 480 43.3 85
800 600 53.7 85
1024 768 68.7 85
832 624 49.7 75
The AGX700 is a multi-scan monitor. It operates at horizontal frequencies
between 30kHz and 70kHz, vertical frequencies between 50Hz and
140Hz. Because of its microprocessor-based design, it offers auto-
synchronization and auto-sizing capabilities. This monitor offers 11 pre-
programmed settings, which are listed in the table to the right.
These preset modes cover most of the common video modes supported
by popular display adapters. However, each adapter’s implementation of
these video modes may vary slightly in timings. If you find it necessary to
make minor display adjustments (horizontal and vertical size and
position), please refer to Chapter 3 for instructions on making these
Note that the monitor is not limited to these preset factory timing modes.
In fact, because the monitor is multi-scanning, it can accept any signal
within its frequency range of 30-70kHz horizontal and 50-140Hz vertical.
If, however, you would like to use one of the preset timing modes, please
refer to your display adapter manufacturer’s installation guide for
instructions on how to make these changes. The refresh rate is controlled
by the display adapter. Most display adapters provide a software utility or
hardware DIP switches that allow you to change the frequency used for
each resolution.
H(kHz) V(Hz)