A/D converters 65, 95
AC power requirements 25
Accessories, alignment of 44, 54
Acquisition started, viewer contents do not update 84
Adapter instructions 114, 115, 116
Acton Series spectrographs 114, 115, 116, 117, 118
adjustable C- to spectroscopy-mount
7050-0104 117
7050-0107 118
IsoPlane SCT-320 spectrograph 119
adjustable C- to Spectroscopy-mount kinetics adapter
7050-0104 117
7050-0107 118
ADC offset 65
Adjustable C- to Spectroscopy-mount kinetics
adapter 18
Adjustable C- to Spectroscopy-mount kinetics
adapter 31
Adjustable C- to Spectroscopy-mount kinetics
7050-0104 117
Adjustable C- to Spectroscopy-mount kinetics
7050-0107 118
Adjustable C-mount adapter 30, 109
Air-circulation requirement 15
Always High output level 76
Always Low output level 76
Analog gain See Controller gain
ANSI C library 17
Background DC level 58
Background subtraction 70
offset 65
signal 58, 65
troubleshooting 84
Baseline signal 58
along columns 62
along rows 62
array orientation 62
computer memory burden 61, 62
hardware 61
on-chip 61
readout time 61, 62
Binning (cont.)
resolution loss 61, 62
software 62
effect on S/N ratio 62
high light level measurements 62
shot-noise limited measurements 62
well capacity 62
Blooming 58
Busy output level 76
C- to Spectroscopy-mount kinetics adapter 31
7050-0104 117
7050-0107 118
MCX to BNC adapter 16
USB 2.0 16
suitable light sources 44, 55
Calibration, spectrometer
suitable light sources 42, 52
Camera Detection wizard 29
excessive humidity in CCD chamber 58, 65
scintillator & UV 10
CCD array
blooming 58
dark charge effects 58
functions performed 56
maximum on-chip integration 58
readout theory 60
shift register 60
signal-to-noise ratio vs on chip integration time 59
square format 62
theory of operation 56
well capacity 58
Certificate of Performance 16
Clean Until Trigger 71
detector 11
optical surfaces 11
adapters 30, 109
adjustable 109
lens installation/removal 30
Compensation time, shutter 56