Appendix C Accessories Listing 47
Filter Wheels and Order Sorting Filter Assemblies
FA-2448 Six Position Filter Wheel Assembly. Manual sample indexing, holds up to six
samples, each 1.0” diameter; automated via SP Control Cable. Can be used with
the IsoPlane. Requires FA-2448-F Filter Set or customer-supplied filters of
25 mm (1 inch) diameter and 5 mm or less in thickness.
FA-2448-1 Order Sorting Filter Assembly. Includes FA-2448-F Filter Set with 320, 590,
665, and 715 nm filters mounted in FA-2448 filter wheel. Manual indexing of
filters for elimination of unwanted second order radiation; automated via SP
Control Cable. Can be used with the IsoPlane.
FA-2448-2 Motorized Six Position Filter Wheel Assembly, with stepping motor and
FA-2448-4 controller. Enables indexing by computer with RS-232 or USB.
Requires computer with RS-232 or USB for computerized operation. Set or
customer-supplied filters of 25 mm (1 inch) diameter and 5 mm or less in thickness.
FA-2448-3 Motorized Order Sorting Filter Assembly. Includes FA-2448-F Filter Set with
320, 590, 665, and 715 nm filters mounted in FA-2448 filter wheel. Enables
computer controlled indexing of order sorting filters for elimination of unwanted
second order radiation. Requires computer with RS-232 or USB for operation.
Requires FA-2448-F Filter Set.
FA-2448-F Order Sorting Filter Set. Includes four filters: 320, 590, 665, and 715 nm.
Fiber Optic Light Guides: All Fiber optic light guides contain 19 fibers, 200 µm diameter,
arranged in a line pattern at the slit end, and round at the source end.
LG-455-020-1 UV-VIS Fiber Optic Bundle 1.0 meter long, for 190 nm to 1100 nm. Requires
LG-455-020-3 UV-VIS Fiber Optic Bundle 3.0 meter long, for 190 nm to 1100 nm. Requires
LG-456-020-1 VIS-NIR Fiber Optic Bundle 1.0 meter long, for 400 nm to 2200 nm. Requires
LG-456-020-1 VIS-NIR Fiber Optic Bundle 3.0 meter long, for 400 nm to 2200 nm. Requires
FC-446-010 Fixed-Position Fiber Adapter is a low-cost solution for positioning fiberoptic
bundles directly at the entrance port of an IsoPlane spectrograph. Accepts 10 mm
diameter ferrule.
FC-446-020 Fiber Coupler with horizontal translation capability for 10 mm diameter fiber
optic bundle. Accepts 10 mm diameter ferrule.
FC-446-021 Fiber Coupler with X-Y Micrometer alignment adjustments. Accepts 10 mm
diameter ferrule.