
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
baud rate
The rate at which characters are transmitted over a serial interface. This is usually
the same as bits per second.
binary Base two numbering system. Digits are represented by the characters 0 and 1.
bit A single binary digit.
control code A single, non-
printing character which is used to control the configuration or
operation of the printer.
character pitch The horizontal spacing of characters. Measured in cpi.
cpi Characters per inch.
cps Characters per second.
current line The line upon which the next character will be printed.
current print position The column on the current line where the next character will be printed.
default Value or configuration assumed when the printer is powered on or reset.
dpi Dots per inch. Generally used to refer to graphics density or resolution.
draft Refers to the draft (high speed) font.
EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code.
escape sequence String of characters beginning with the esc
ape (ESC) character which is used to
control the configuration or operation of the printer. The characters which are part
of this string are not printed.
font A group of characters of a given shape or style.
hexadecimal Base sixteen numbering system. D
igits are represented by the characters 0 through
9 and a through f.
interface The connection between the printer and the host computer.
LCD Liquid crystal display.
LED Light emitting diode.
line pitch The vertical spacing of characters. Measured in lpi.
lpi Lines per inch.