
IBM Proprinter Emulation
Page 4-18
Vertical Margins
Printing is allowed only within the top and bottom margins. Exceeding the bottom
margin will set the current line to the top margin of the next form.
Set Perforation Skip ESC N n
Sets the perforation skip distance to n lines at the current line spacing. 1n255. If
line spacing is changed after setting the skip distance, the skip distance will not be
The skip distance is split between the top and bottom margins, so the perforation will
be centered in the resulting white space. The specified skip distance must be less than
the form length, or the command will be ignored. Perforation skip is canceled by
ESC O, ESC C n or ESC C NUL n. Overrides the "Top Mar:" and "Btm Mar:" values
in the "Setup: FORM" menu.
Example: The following escape sequence will set a two inch perforation skip
distance, if the current line spacing is 6 lpi. This will result in a one inch top and
bottom margin.
Escape Sequence: ESC N 12
Hexadecimal: 1B 4E 0C
Cancel Perforation Skip ESC O
Cancels perforation skip. This is equivalent to having no top and bottom margin.
Overrides the "Top Mar:" and "Btm Mar:" values in the "Setup: FORM" menu.
Escape Sequence: ESC O
Hexadecimal: 1B 4F