ProComSol, Ltd HM-BT-BAT User Manual
MAN-1004 8/5/05 Page 5
Will not communicate
Verify the following:
1. Com port number in application is the HM-BT-BAT com port number.
2. Loop power supply is on.
3. Loop resistance between 250 ohms and 1Kohms.
4. Loop current within HART limits.
5. If multi drop configuration, all transmitters in loop have unique addresses.
6. HM-BT-BAT HART connections across loop resistor or across transmitter terminals.
7. Battery is fresh.
8. Modem power switch is on and LED is illuminated.
9. Perform the “Discovery” procedure again and verify a connection can be made.
10. If using the Linksys USBBT100, verify the Linksys Bluetooth driver is installed and
not the Windows Bluetooth driver. There is a known issue with the Linksys install and
Windows XP SP2. Go to www.linksys.com and search for “USBBT100” for details.
Communications unreliable
Verify the following:
1. You are in radio range of the master transmitter. For Class 1 devices 100 ft, for Class
2 devices, 25 ft.
2. Vary the orientation of the master transmitter or the HM-BT-BAT to improve radio
link strength.
3. Battery is fresh.
4. HART connections made before power turned on.
5. Transmitter not in Burst mode. Communications can occur in Burst mode, but more
retries will be necessary for success.
6. In some applications, a connection can be lost, which looks like a communication lock-
up. Perform the Discovery process again to reestablish the link without the need to
restart your application.
Will not communicate with Cornerstone
Perform the following:
1. In directory “CSCONFIG/DB”, open file “CSLOCAL.INI”.
2. Search for “[RDLS2]” without the quotes.
3. Change “Debug=0” to “Debug=8”, again without the quotes.
4. Save the file.