Profoto D1
• Thebuilt-inIRreceiversensestheflashreleaseaswellasIRsignalsfrommostIRsync
• TheProfotoAirradiosystemisfullyintegratedintheD1Airunits,allowingradio
synchronization via a Profoto Air Remote or Profoto Air Sync device connected to the
camera, or via the Profoto Air USB device connected to a computer with the Profoto
Studio Air program.
• D1unitswithoutintegratedProfotoAirfunctionalitycanbeequippedwithaProfotoAir
Remote or Profoto Air Sync device acting as receiver, enabling radio synchronization
via another Profoto Air Remote or Profoto Air Sync device connected to the camera.
Ready signaling
Ready signaling is used to indicate when the unit is fully charged. The Ready Button [9a]
is used to select one of four ready signaling alternatives:
• BEEP:Aclear“beep”willsoundtoindicatethatthechargingoftheunitiscompleted.
This setting also enables the control panel sounds, which indicates that a button is
pressed or the Setting Knob is turned.
• DIM:Themodelinglightwillbeturnedoffwhentheunitisbeingcharged,andturned
on again when the charging is completed. This setting also disables the control panel
• BEEP-DIM:Themodelinglightwillbeturnedoffwhentheunitisbeingcharged,and
turned on again when the charging is completed. A clear “beep” will also sound to
indicate that the charging is completed. This setting also enables the control panel
• OFF:Noreadysignal.Thissettingalsodisablesthecontrolpanelsounds.
Ready indicator/Test function
The Ready Indicator [5] is illuminated when the unit is fully charged and ready to flash.
The Test Button [4] is used to test that all light settings are correct and that the functionality
is as expected. When the Test Button [4] is pressed, the unit will flash and the Ready
Indicator [5] will be turned off while recharging. When the charging of the unit is completed,
the Ready Indicator [5] will be illuminated again.
Flash before ready
The “Flash before ready” function makes it possible to flash before the charging of the unit
is ready and fully completed. When a flash is released before the unit is 100% recharged,
a long “beep” will sound, indicating an under exposed frame. Naturally the flash light may
not correspond fully to the set value.