Tsunami QuickBridge II T1/E1 Quick Install Guide
Copyright © 2005 Proxim Corporation. All rights reserved. 2
The QuickBridge is a complete kit for enabling a wireless broad bandwidth link between two locations. The
equipment is pre-configured at the factory to be mounted and connected to your LAN network. Both ends of the
link are provided in this kit along with cables and mounting hardware.
The product’s principle components consist of a radio unit and a power & Ethernet adapter. The radio is an all-
in-one, outdoor unit with an integrated antenna, designed to be mounted on a pole or on a tower structure.
Power and Ethernet connections to the radio unit are supplied through a UV-protected, CAT 5 cable attached to
the power & Ethernet adapter. The power & Ethernet adapter should be located inside a building. A straight
cable is required when connecting to a PC and a crossover cable when connecting to a hub or switch.
The Tsunami QuickBridge II must be installed professionally.
Perform the following steps in this chapter to install the QuickBridge II system:
1. Gather Required Tools
2. Unpack the Shipping Box Contents
3. Pre-assemble Hardware
4. Connect the Cables
5. Test Back-to-Back
6. Install the Software
7. Setup for Configuration
8. Mount the Radio Outdoors
9. Align the Antenna
You should have the following tools available before installing the Tsunami QuickBridge II radios:
• Phillips (cross-tip) screwdrivers
• Small blade standard screwdriver
• Large blade standard screwdriver
• Wire crimpers (if using connectors that are not pre-made)
• Adjustable 6” wrench
• Weatherproofing material for sealing external connectors (such as butyl tape)
• Straight-through UV-protected CAT 5 or CAT 5e Ethernet cable for connecting to PC, or crossover cable if
connecting to a hub or a switch.
Note: Maximum cable lengths to be used with the Tsunami QuickBridge are as follows:
GPS: 25 feet (approx. 8 m)
T1/E1: 655 feet (approx. 200 m)
Power/Ethernet: 246 feet (approx. 75 m)
Maximum cable length from the power source to the QuickBridge unit is 75 m, but the cable from the
power source to the next device is a total of 100 m. So if you connect a 75 m cable to the QuickBridge
unit, you can use a 25 m cable to connect the power supply to your PC or switch.