Press thebutton to repeat thesame track continuously,
RPT will appearon the LCDdisplay.
Press thebutton again tocome back normalplaying.
Press STOP button to stop music,and press button
to start playing from track one.
In video mode,press this buttonto exchange betweenthe
Press this button to play all the track in random order. Press it
again to stop random playing. This button is invalid if the unit is
in PBC On mode.
If with DISC in unit,Press the [ ]to pause music.
Press the [ ]button again , come back DISC playing.
Press thisbutton once forTRACK INTRODUCTION.
The first10 seconds ofeach track onthe disc will play. Andthe
track numbershows on LCD.
To selecta desired song,press [SCN]button whileit is playing.
If adisc is loaded,asector sign willshow on thedisplay.