Helping industries stay on time,
every time.
Keeping thousands of students and hundreds of faculty
members on schedule can be a daunting task for today’s
universities. Schedules are tight with classes, exams,
meetings, extracurricular activities and athletic programs
crammed into one day. You have enough to deal with
without having to worry about whether or not the clock
system on your campus is able to handle a growing
number of students and increased courses while keeping
time accurately. Pyramid’s TimeTrax Sync lets you:
• Utilize class time more efficiently and minimize
disruptions, leading to more productive learning
• Eliminate the need to reset clocks
• Decrease the maintenance cost associated with
a wired system
• Reduce disruptive classroom intrusions
Outdated processes and budget cuts are constant
issues in the Government sector. Doing more with less
is commonplace. Government employees are under
constant scrutiny, and lost minutes are lost taxpayer
dollars. The U.S. government provides an accurate time
source for the entire world through its GPS system.
Pyramid has the wireless solution to carry it throughout
your facility, so you can:
• Stay under budget, cutting costs through improved
• Synchronize wall clocks with computer clocks
• Easily coordinate activities across large facilities
and multiple buildings
• Reduce union grievances due to timing issues