Owner’s Manual Quantum Energy Technologies
7a: Pressure & Temperature Relief Valve Running
It is not unusual for the Pressure & Temperature Relief valve to allow a small quantity of water to
escape during the heating cycle. The amount of discharge will depend on hot water usage. As a
guide, if it discharges more than 20 litres of water in 24 hours then there may be a problem.
7a.1: Continuous Trickle
Likely build up of foreign matter. Try gently operating the release mechanism on the Pressure &
Temperature Relief valve for a few seconds. This may dislodge any small particles of foreign
matter and rectify the fault.
7a.2: Steady Flow
Likely causes are excessive water supply pressure (500kPa Pressure Limiting valve should be
fitted), a faulty Pressure & Temperature Relief valve, a faulty or non existent pressure limiting
valve or a faulty Thermostat / Digital Controller. Turn off the electricity supply and contact your
Quantum distributor or service agent.
7b: No Hot Water
1. Is the Electricity switched on? Check that the isolating switch, to which the Quantum is
connected, is on. Check that the switch marked “Water Heater” in the switchboard is on.
Are all circuit breakers on? If on Off Peak, is the meter switching on when it should? Note
if the system is connected to any form of Off Peak, running out of hot water can be quite
common – Off Peak tariffs are not recommended for Quantum water heaters.
2. Check that the thermal overload (on the digital controller) has not been tripped. If so press
the “Set” button (hold for 6 seconds) to reset it.
3. Is the Pressure & Temperature Relief valve discharging too much water? See "Pressure &
Temperature Relief Valve Running".
4. Do you have the correct size water heater for your requirements? Sizing details are
available from your Quantum supplier.
5. Is one outlet (such as the shower) using more hot water than you think? Carefully review
the family's hot water usage and if necessary check the shower flow rates with a bucket and
a watch. If it is not possible to adjust water usage patterns, an inexpensive flow control
valve can easily be fitted to the shower outlet.
7c: High Electricity Bills
1. Is the Pressure & Temperature Relief valve discharging too much water? See "Pressure
& Temperature Relief Valve Running”.
2. Is one outlet (such as the shower) using more hot water than you think? See "No Hot
3. Is there a leaking hot water pipe or dripping hot water tap? A small leak can waste a large
quantity of hot water.
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