Configuring the Bridge
3.5 Using the Configuration Menu
When the Bridge enters its configuration mode it displays its opening screen:
Schneider Automation, Inc. – Modbus Bridge (174 CEV 300 10)
Serial Number 101–161 Software Version V01.00 (990402)
Press Enter to go into Setup Mode, wait to close
At this screen, press <Enter> to see the Configuration Menu.
Configuration Menu
The Configuration Menu shows the Bridge’s current settings. Here is an example:
Modbus Bridge Firmware Setup, Schneider Automation, Inc.
1) Network/IP Settings:
IP Address ...................
Default Gateway ..............
Netmask ......................
2) Serial & Mode Settings:
Protocol ..................... Modbus/RTU, Slave(s) attached
Serial Interface ............. 19200,8,E,1,RS232
3) Modem Control Settings:
RTS Output ................... Fixed High/Active
4) Advanced Modbus Protocol Settings:
Slave Addr/Unit ID Source .... Modbus/TCP header
Modbus Serial Broadcasts ..... Disabled
Character, Message Timeout ... 00050 ms, 05000 ms
Commands: D)efault settings, S)ave, Q)uit without save
Select Command or Parameter (1...4) to change: __
3.5.2 Modbus Master Device: Additional Menu Items
If the serial port has already been configured for a Modbus Master device, menu item
4 will omit references to a Slave device, showing only the following:
4) Advanced Modbus Protocol Settings:
Character, Message Timeout ... 00100 ms, 05000 ms
Menu item 5 will show current mapping between Modbus addresses and IP addresses.
5) Unit ID –> IP Address Table: (followed by the current mapping table).