
Atlas II
Jumper Settings
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Stagger Spin
Enable spin stagger SS jumper on
Disable spin stagger SS jumper off
Write Protect
Enable Write Protection
WP jumper on
Disable W
rite Protection WP jumper off
Jumper Locations
The Atlas II wide disk drive has two locations where user configurable jumpers are found. The primary jumper block (Front
option connector J3) for the Atlas II wide is found on the front edge of the disk drive printed circuit board. Using these
jumper pins you can establish the various drive configuration options. The secondary option jumper block provides an
alternate method for setting primary drive features. The alternate jumper block is located at the rear of the drive and is
incorporated into the SCSI cable connector.
The termination power option setting is located on the front edge of the printed circuit board and is adjacent to the J3