HD 9021 RAD/C
Radiometric probe for measuring the IRRADIANCE of light sources, irra-
diance of the sun, etc. Radiometric filter and diffuser for angle correction
according to the cosine law. Spectral measurement range 400÷900 nm,
range from 1 microwatt/cm
to 200 milliwatt/cm
. The probe is used in
greenhouses for measuring the power of artificial light, shade, the perfor-
mance of solar panels, solar heating plants, solar filters, etc.
The typical response curve of the probe is
as follows:
Radiometric probe for measuring PAR radiations (Photosynthetically Active
Radiation), works in the field of the chlorophyll process following a special
response curve in a spectral range from 400 to 700 nm. The measure-
ments are expressed in µEinstein in the range 0÷20,000 µE m
Photosynthetically Active Radiation, PAR. Flow of photons in the wave-
length 400÷700 nm.
Photosynthetic photon flux density, PPRD. The number of photons per
time unit and air unit in the wavelength 400÷700 nm.
The measurement is expressed in micromoles per second and per square
metre. One mole is the equivalent of 6,0222•10
Correction filter according to the cosine law.
Typical applications of the probe are for research in the field of greenhouse
lighting, research in undergrowth, etc.
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