When the UPS is operating on the batteries, the On-Battery LED will blink and
the audible alarm will sound once every 10-seconds. The alarm will stop once
the UPS returns to the On-Line operation.
When the UPS detects a hardware fault, the Fault LED will illuminate and the
UPS will sound a constant alarm. The fault condition, in some instances, may
be reset by turning the UPS OFF and then ON. (see section 5 Troubleshooting)
When the amount of load attached to the UPS exceeds its power rating, the
Overload LED will illuminate and the UPS will sound a constant alarm. This
alarm will remain on until the excess load is removed or the UPS’s self protec-
tion circuit shuts the UPS down.
The UPS automatically tests the battery’s condition and will illuminate the Weak/
Bad Battery LED and sound the alarm. This alarm will be repeated until the
batteries pass a self test. If the battery is bad or disconnected, the Weak/Bad
Battery LED will illuminate and the alarm will beep three times every five-min-
utes until the battery is reconnected or replaced. If the battery is weak, the
Weak/Bad Battery LED will illuminate and the alarm will beep one time every
ten-minutes until the battery is recharged or replaced. It is recommended that
the UPS be allowed to charge overnight before performing a battery test to
confirm a Weak/Bad Battery condition.
NOTE: If the UPS has a Weak/Bad Battery Alarm after reconnecting of replac-
ing the batteries, the user must initiate a self test to clear the Weak/Bad Bat-
tery Alarm. To initiate a self test see section 4 "SELF TEST".
The UPS will sound two beeps every five-seconds when the battery reserve
runs low. This condition will continue until AC returns or the UPS shuts down
from battery exhaustion.
AC Mode: If the fan becomes locked, the alarm will beep one time every two-
seconds until the fan is unlocked.
Battery Mode: If the fan becomes locked, the alarm will beep one time every
two-seconds for thirty-seconds, then the output will turn off, the alarm will sound
continuously and the Fault LED will illuminate. The UPS must be turned off and
the fan unlocked to clear the Fan lock Alarm.