Chloride Active and E-Series UPS User Manual 1
Chapter 1 Chloride Introduction
Thank you for selecting this uninterruptible power supply (UPS). Chloride’s Active UPS offers the most
reliable protection from the harmful effects of electrical line disturbances for your computing and
communications equipment.
1.1 Registering your Chloride Active UPS
To ensure that your Active model and serial number are registered, complete and mail the enclosed postage-
paid warranty card.
1.2 Technical Support and Service (Active)
Chloride offers 24-hour technical support. To contact Chloride Technical Services:
• Phone: (800) 879-5011
• email: usa.service@chloridepower.com.
NOTE: All calls received before 7 a.m. or after 7p.m. Central Standard Time are forwarded to a cell phone.
A Chloride Technical Service Representative will return your call within one half hour between 5 p.m. and
10 p.m. Central Standard Time. Except for emergencies, calls received between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. will be
returned during normal business hours.
Please check with Chloride Technical Services before attempting to repair or return any Chloride product.
If a Chloride unit needs repair or replacement, Chloride Technical Services issues a Return Material
Authorization (RMA) number along with instructions on how to return the unit.
1.3 Safety Notes
WARNING: Read the following information carefully! Disregard of these safety notes may endanger
your life and health as well as the functioning of your equipment and the safety of your data.
WARNING: This equipment services power from more than one source. The output receptacles may
have voltage even when the unit is unplugged.
UPSs present a different safety issue than most electrical equipment because unplugging the UPS puts it into backup mode.
Unplugging the UPS does not remove the electrical charge. To ensure that the UPS is off, push BYPASS (for a minimum of
1 second) before unplugging the UPS from the mains.
CAUTION: Operating this equipment without proper grounding may present a risk of electrical shock.
Do not use AC adaptors with only two conductors to connect the input line cord to the wall socket as this will not connect
the earth ground to the equipment.
WARNING: Dangerous voltages are present within this unit! There are no user-serviceable parts
inside. Any repairs or modifications by the user may result in out-of-warranty repair charges, unsafe
electrical conditions, or violation of electrical code.
This device complies with the relevant safety regulations for uninterruptible power supplies for use in a
controlled office environment. If you have any questions, please contact Chloride Technical Service at
1- 800-879-5011.