50 Chloride Active and E-Series UPS User Manual
Chapter 19 E-Series Specifications
Table 12. Chloride E-Series UPS North America
UPS Model
* Models may be upgraded to base kVA of UPS shown.
Electrical Data
Rating 6 kVA 10 kVA 20 kVA
Voltage 208 VAC single-phase
208/120 three-
Voltage range 170 V to 276 V 176 to 276 V 177 to 240 V
Frequency 50/60Hz ± 5%
Power factor (lambda) >0.97 >0.95
Integrated battery type Lead-calcium, maintenance-free None
Battery voltage (V) 240
Runtimes (min.)
(half load/full load)
25/8 30/12 N/A
Runtimes (min.),1 battery cabinet
(half load/full load)
94/38 100/40 40/15
Output Voltage
Voltage - North American 120, 208, 240 VAC, single-phase
Voltage tolerance ± 3%
Frequency with mains control see input frequency
Frequency with internal control 50/60 Hz, ± 0.5%
Distortion factor (linear/non-linear load) max. 4%/max. 7%
max. 5%/ max.
Permissible crest factor 3
Overload capability
130% for 2 sec., 110% for 10 sec.
output short-circuit proof
Common Data
Electrical safety UL1778
Radio interference level FCC Part 15 Class A