True to the Music
Radial Engineering Cabbone Owner’s Manual
Once you are satisfied that the Cabbone is working with your amp,
you are now set to play. It is important to note that when the Cabbone
switches between the two speaker cabinets, the Cabbone will momen-
tarily activate both speakers at the same time. This ramped overlap
applies a constant load on the amplifier and ensures its safe operation.
Cabbone is also equipped with a feature called SafeMode™. In the
unlikely event that the power is disconnected from the Cabbone, the
Cabbone will immediately go into SafeMode whereby a default setting
will connect the amp to speaker output-1. This ensures a speaker
will always be connected to the amp. If ever you are playing and
the sound suddenly goes off, stop playing immediately and check to
locate the problem by 1st checking cables as this is the usual culprit.
If all cables seem ok, then check the speakers by connecting the amp
directly. If the amp is working when connected directly to the speaker,
the Cabbone or one of the speaker cables could require servicing.