Online Mode
When the AUATC is operated in On-line mode (see Figure 4), the screen area displays your interactions with the
ASCII device. This mode of operation is similar to using an ASCII terminal to access and operate an ASCII device.
Simultaneously, the output data stream from the device is stored in an eight-page circular buffer. This feature
enables you to access and operate an ASCII device and review the historical data stream on demand. The buffer is a
circular eight-page buffer, therefore it will retain the most recent eight pages of the data from the device.
You can program any of the 12 function keys to contain your most often use data stream commands as described in
the Set Up Operations section of this chapter. Pressing any of these keys when in on-line mode will send that data
stream command to the device. This convenient feature is ideal for frequently repeated commands.
During the on-line session, you can enter the following keys to control the communication with the ASCII device or
access the AUATC help and set up screens:
Figure 4 On Line Session
• <Ctrl-Break>: Reset the serial communication with the computer and reset AUATC
• <Ctrl-S>: Stop computer from sending any data; all output data will be queued in the computer
• <Ctrl-Q>: Resume computer to send data
• <Alt-F1>: Display Help Menu Screen (see Figure 5)
• <Alt-F2>: Setup serial Communication
• <Alt-F3>: Set Up Programmable Keys
• <Alt-F4>: Review/Edit Buffer