Chapter 2: Installation and Configuration
Character Description Character Description
% Percent sign @ At sign
& Ampersand [ Left bracket
( Left parenthesis \ Backward slash
) Right parenthesis ] Right bracket
* Asterisk ^ Caret
+ Plus sign _ Underscore
, Comma ` Grave accent
- Dash { Left brace
. Period | Pipe sign
/ Forward slash } Right brace
< Less than sign ~ Tilde
: Colon
Specifying Power Supply Autodetection
The Dominion KX II provides dual power supplies and can automatically
detect and provide notification regarding the status of these power
supplies. Proper configuration ensures that the Dominion KX II sends the
appropriate notifications should a power supply fail.
The Power Supply Setup page is configured to automatically detect both
power supplies when two power supplies are used. If only one power
supply is used in your configuration, you can disable automatic detection
from the Power Supply Setup page.
To enable automatic detection for the power supplies in use:
1. Choose Device Settings > Power Supply Setup. The Power Supply
Setup page opens.
2. If you are plugging power input into power supply number one
(left-most power supply at the back of the device), select the
Powerln1 Auto Detect option.
3. If you are plugging power input into power supply number two
(right-most power supply at the back of the device), select the
Powerln2 Auto Detect option.
4. Click OK.