The model identification number and boiler serial number are found on the boiler data plate located on the left inside jacket
of the boiler. The model number will have the form H3 0752 or similar depending on the boiler size and configuration. The first
character of the model number identifies application (H = Hydronic Heating System, W = Hot Water Supply System, P = Pool
Application). The second character identifies the firing mode (3-two stage firing). The next four places identify the size of
the boiler.
ANSI Z21.13b-1994, Gas Fired Hot Water Boilers
CAN 3.1 M77; Industrial and Commercial Gas-Fired Package Boilers
ANSI Z21.56-1998<>CSA 4.7-M98 Gas-Fired Pool Heaters
ANSI Z21.10.3-1998<>CSA 4.3-M98 Gas Water Heaters
All Raypak boilers are National Board Approved, design certified and tested by the International Approval Services (IAS)
(a joint venture of American Gas Association Laboratories and the Canadian Gas Association Laboratories) for U.S.A. and
Canada. Each boiler is constructed in accordance with Section IV of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Boiler Pressure Vessel Code and bears the ASME stamp. This boiler complies with the latest edition of ASHRAE 90.1 Standard.
Altering any RAYPAK pressure vessel by installing replacement heat-exchangers, tube bundle headers, or any other ASME
part not manufactured and/or approved by RAYPAK will instantly void the ASME, AGA, and CGA ratings of the vessel and
any RAYPAK warranty on the vessel. Altering the ASME, AGA and CGA ratings of the vessel also violates national, state,
and local approval codes.
Rated inputs are suitable for up to 4500 feet elevation without derate . Consult the Factory for installations at altitudes in excess
of 4500 feet.