Ratings and Certifications
• Gas fired hot water boiler for either direct vent installation or for
installation using indoor combustion air. Design according to:
ANSI Z21.13b 2007 – CSA 4.9b 2007 – Fired low pressure hot
water boilers. Category IV.
• SCAQMD Rule 1146.2
All Raypak boilers are National Board Approved, and design-
certified and tested by the Canadian Standards Association
(CSA) for the U.S. and Canada. Each boiler is constructed in
accordance with Section IV of the American Society of Mechanical
Engineers (ASME) Boiler Pressure Vessel Code and bears the
ASME H stamp. This boiler also complies with the latest edition
of the ASHRAE 90.1 Standard.
: Altering any Raypak pressure vessel by installing
replacement heat exchangers, tube bundle headers, or any
ASME parts not manufactured and/or approved by Raypak
will instantly void the ASME and CSA ratings of the vessel
and any Raypak warranty on the vessel. Altering the ASME
or CSA ratings of the vessel also violates national, state,
and local approval codes.
Installations at Elevation
Rated inputs are suitable for up to 4,500 ft elevation (see technical
data table). Consult the factory for installations at altitudes over
4,500 ft above sea level. No hardware changes are required to
the boilers for installations up to 10,000 ft (adjustments may be
The installation must be conform to the requirements of the
authority having jurisdiction or, in the absence of such
requirements, to the latest edition of the National Fuel Gas
Code, ANSI Z223.1. In Canada, installation must be in
accordance with the requirements of CAN/CSA B149.1,
Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code. Where required
by the authority having jurisdiction, the installation must
conform to the Standard for Controls and Safety Devices for
Automatically Fired Boilers, ANSI/ASME CSD-1.
Install CO detectors per local regulations. Boiler requires
yearly maintenance, see chapter “Checks, adjustments and
fault finding”.
Operating Limits of the boiler:
Max. boiler temperature: 194°F (90 °C)
Max. operating pressure: 45 psi (3.1 bar)
The hot water distribution system must comply with all
applicable codes and regulations. When replacing an existing
boiler, it is important to check the condition of the entire hot
water distribution system to ensure safe operation.