E33 FPI Direct Vent Gas Insert
Diagram 4
9) Attach the trim to the faceplate by using the
plated screws (refer to Diagram 4).
Rear View: Faceplate Assembly
Diagram 1
1) Lay the faceplate panels fl at, face down on
something soft so they don't scratch.
2) Take the top faceplate and align the holes
in it with the holes in the side panels. Us-
ing the screws provided, attach from the
top of the panel (the holes in the top panel
are slightly larger than the holes in the side
panel to facilitate easier installation). Refer
to Diagram 1.
Hint: Don't tighten the screws down com-
pletely at this point, continue on with steps
3 and 4 and do a trial fi t to the unit. Make
any necessary adjustments and when it fi ts
properly then tighten down the screws.
Diagram 3
7) Tuck the wires into the faceplate to keep
them away from the insert using the clip
provided. Attach the clip to the rear of the
faceplate to ensure that the wires do not
touch the side of the unit. Refer to Diagram
8) The power cord should be run behind the
faceplate panel.
4) Place the trim on the assembled faceplate
panels, aligning the wire connections from
the switches with the notch on the left side
5) Connect the fan switch wires by taking the
black and red wires with the male ends (in
the grey harness) and connect them with
the wire connectors from the fan speed
6) Connect the ON/OFF switch wires by taking
the black and red wires with the female ends
and connect them to the ON/OFF switch.
“Maintenance Instructions” (page 20) for
correct fl ame patterns.
18) Check inlet (12” WC min) and outlet (11”
WC) pressures. Refer “Gas Pipe Pressure
Testing” (page 9).
19) Check operation of fl ame control.
20) Check for proper fl ame appearance and
glow on logs.
Diagram 1
Installer Notice:
These instructions must be
left with the appliance.
Rear View: Trim Assembly
Diagram 2
3) Using the connectors provided, join the left
side trim (with the ON/OFF switch) to the
top trim. Diagram 2. Connect the right side
trim to the top trim.
This conversion kit shall be installed by a
qualifi ed service agency in accordance with
the authority having jurisdiction. If the infor-
mation in these instruction is not followed
exactly, a fi re, explosion or production of
carbon monoxide may result causing prop-
erty damage, personal injury or loss of life.
The qualifi ed service agency is responsible
for the proper installation of this kit. The
installation is not proper and complete until
the operation of the converted appliance is
checked as specifi ed in the manufacturer’s
instructions supplied with the kit.
Note: Equipped for Altitude 0-4500 ft.