F39 Room Sealed Freestanding Gas Stove
Pipe Length
Round Support
Box/Wall Thimble
(Part # 940)
Support Box/
Wall Thimble
(Part # 940)
Storm Collar
Part # 953
943 or 943S
Ceiling Firestop
(Part # 963)
24" (610mm)
Pipe Length
Adj.Pipe Length
11" - 14-5/8"
(279mm - 372mm)
90 Elbow
Wall Thimble
Part # 942
Vinyl Siding
Standoff (Optional)
Part #950
Termination Cap
(Part# 946-523)
Planning Your Dura-Flue
There are two basic types of Dura-Flue Room
Sealed System installations: horizontal termi-
nation and vertical termination. Confi rm the
maximum horizontal run and maximum vertical
rise from the diagrams, refer to "Fluing Arrange-
ments" section.
When planning your installation, it will be nec-
essary to select the proper length of fl ue pipe
for your particular requirements. For horizontal
installations, determine the minimum clearance
from the rear of the unit to the wall. It is also
important to note the wall thickness. (The wall
thimble is suitable for 2 x 4 or 2 x 6 wall construc-
tion.) Select the amount of vertical rise desired
for "vertical-to-horizontal" type installations.
Warning: Always maintain required clear-
ances (air spaces) to nearby combustibles
to prevent a fi re hazard. Do not fi ll air spaces
with insulation.
The minimum clearance requirements between
the outer wall of the fl ue pipe and nearby com-
bustible surfaces is 1-1/4 inch. Be sure to check
the fl ue termination clearance requirements
from decks, windows, soffi ts, gas regulators, air
supply inlets and public walkways as specifi ed
in the Exterior Flue Terminal Locations on page
8 and in your local building codes.
To determine the length of fl ue pipe required
for vertical installations, measure the distance
from the unit fl ue outlet to the ceiling, the ceiling
thickness, the vertical rise in an attic or second
storey, and allow for suffi cient vertical height
above the roof line.
For multi-storey applications, fi re stops are
required at each fl oor level. If an offset is
needed, additional pipe, elbows and supports
will be required.
Do not exceed the maximum number of elbows.
One 90
for horizontal terminations and two 45
for vertical termination.
You will require the following components with
your new Regency
Room Sealed Freestand-
ing Gas Stove. Please review your product to
make sure you have everything you need. In
the efl ue that you are missing any part, contact
your dealer.
Note: These are the minimum pieces re-
quired. Other parts may be required
for your particular installation. See
page 12 for a list of fl ue parts.
If installing termination on a siding covered wall,
a vinyl siding standoff or furring strips can be
used in order to ensure that the termination is
not recessed into siding.
The vinyl siding standoff is required for walls
with vinyl siding.
Minimum components for a Dura-Flue
A) Dura-Flue Horizontal Termination Kit
B) Wall Thimble (required for combus-
tible walls)
Minimum components for a Dura-Flue Verti-
cal Termination:
C) Dura-Flue Vertical Termination Kit
See page 12 for pipe lengths.
The Simpson Dura-Flue Room Sealed System
offers a complete line of component parts for
installation of both horizontal and vertical installa-
tion. Many items are offered in decorative black,
as well as galvanized fi nish. The galvanized pipe
and fi ttings are used for concealed locations
such as attics or where corrosion is a factor,
such as above the roof line. Decorative brass
trim kits are available for both wall thimbles and
ceiling support boxes.
Part # Description
971 Horiz. Termination Kit includes:
black elbow, wall thimble cover,
horiz. square termination cap,
black pipe, 11" -14" 5/8" adjust-
black pipe
970 Basic Horiz. Termination Kit
includes: 90
black elbow, wall
thimble cover, horiz. square
termination cap
978 Vert. Termination Kit includes
0/12 - 6/12 pitch adjustable
fl ashing, storm collar, low profi le
term. cap
908B 6" Pipe Length-Black
907B 9" Pipe Length-Black
906 12" Pipe Length Galv.
906B 12" Pipe Length-Black
904 24" Pipe Length Galv.
904B 24" Pipe Length-Black
903 36" Pipe Length Galv.
903B 36" Pipe Length-Black
902 48" Pipe Length Galv.
902B 48" Pipe Length-Black
911B 11"-14 5/8" Adj. Pipe Length-
917B 17"- 24" Adj. Pipe Length Black
945 45
Elbow Galv.
Dura-Flue Basic
Horizontal Kit # 970
1 90
1 Wall Thimble Cover
1 Astro Cap