naturalLiving ❙ Fall-Winter09
he harnessing of fire has long been heralded as the dawn of humanity for
both cooking and heating. Fortunately, modern humans can stay warm
with an enticing variety of gas hearth appliances designed to fit their
lifestyles. “Gas appliances continue to evolve in terms of versatility and
style,” says Leslie Wheeler, director of communications at the Hearth,
Patio & Barbecue Association, a trade group for manufacturers, distributors and re-
tailers. “What’s better than turning on a gas log or fireplace with the flip of the
switch to have great ambience?”
According to the National Association of Realtors, each fireplace in a home adds
12 percent to the home’s value. Current technology allows the addition of a gas
fireplace without a flue, making a fireplace a perfect addition at any time. Gas hearth
appliances offer the utility of warming just a room or an area of the home with a
wide range of styles to fit into any décor.
“New fireplaces and stoves have a contemporary, modern look that certainly ap-
peals to Gen Xers and Gen Yers — something trendy and more contemporary,”
Wheeler says. With the push of a button, the instant dancing flame and heat of gas
hearth appliances enchant these consumers.
Options Abound
Gas hearth appliances include fireplaces, fireplace inserts, gas logs and freestand-
ing gas stoves.
Modern fireplaces are engineered as a firebox enclosed within a steel cabinet.
Air circulates between the inner and outer boxes, transferring the heat to your room
while keeping the outer wall relatively cool. This construction allows installation
close to the wood framing in new construction or remodeling. Compared to a site-
built fireplace, factory-built systems are inexpensive to purchase and install. They use
a safe, lightweight chimney (or no chimney at all) and do not need the additional
structural support required for a masonry chimney. They can be easily and safely in-
stalled in almost any room.
Fireplace inserts are, as the name implies, inserted into an existing masonry
or factory-built fireplace to improve efficiency and reduce environmental impact.
A fireplace insert is essentially the same as a freestanding stove except it uses an
Today’s wide range of gas hearth appliances will fit your
heating needs and decorating tastes.
By Matt Bolch
from the hearth
Traditional areas such
as living rooms and
bedrooms remain
popular, but more
homeowners are
installing hearth
appliances in places
where they were
unheard of just
a few years ago.
All photos courtesy
of Hearth, Patio &
Barbecue Association.
08naturalLiving ❙ Fall-Winter