L676E Direct Vent Gas Fireplace 11
Diagram 1
1) Frame in the enclosure for the unit with framing material. The framed
opening for the assembled kit is 45-7/8" high x 48" wide x 24-1/4"
deep (1143mm x H 1219mm W x 616mm D). See Diagram 1. Also
see Diagram 2 for corner installations.
IMPORTANT: Header must be metal stud.
2) For exterior walls, insulate the enclosure to the same degree as the rest
of the house, apply vapour barrier and drywall, as per local installation
codes. (Do not insulate the fi replace itself.)
3) The unit does not have to be completely enclosed in a chase. You
must maintain clearances from the vent to combustible materials: See
"Clearances" section. Combustible materials can be laid against the
side and back standoffs and the stove base.
Diagram 2
Diagram 3
Non-Combustible Requirements