Maintenance Procedures - Model DDX
Deluge Valve
1. Mechanical sprinkler alarm (water motor–not
shown) not operating:
This is most likely caused by a clogged screen in the
strainer of the water motor. Proceed as follows: Re
move plug from the strainer. Remove and clean the
screen. Replace the screen and the plug, and then
tighten securely (Ref. Bulletin 613).
Leakage out of the ball drip valve G (Fig. 7).
a. Water leakagedue to a watercolumn above
the deluge valve’s clapper:
This condition canbe caused by leakage past
the system side of the Model DDX Deluge
Valve’s seal faceplate subassembly (#5, Fig.
6). Be sure that this surface is free of any type
of debris. To eliminate leakage due to a water
column, refer to the section in this bulletin
marked “Draining Excess/Condensate Water
From System”. If the problem continues pro
ceed to the following section.
b. Leakage, air or water from the ball drip
valve, G (Fig. 7):
If system air is leaking out the ball drip valve,
the problem is either damage to the airside of
the Model DDX Deluge Valve’s seal faceplate
subassembly (#5, Fig. 6), seat (#2, Fig. 6), or
the upper seat O-ring (#11, Fig. 6).
If supply water isleaking out the ball dripvalve,
the problem could be caused by damage to
the Model DDX Deluge Valve’s seal faceplate
subassembly (#5, Fig. 6), seat (#2, Fig. 6), or
lower seat O-ring (#11, Fig. 6). The following
section provides instructions to correct both
A) Shut down the valve controlling the water
supply to theDeluge Valveand open themain
drain valve B (Fig. 7). Open the water column
drain valve E (Fig. 7). Close the push rod
chamber supply valve A (Fig. 7) and open the
Model B Manual Emergency Station D (Fig.
B) Remove the deluge valve’s front (handhold)
cover (#4, Fig. 6) and inspect the seat (#2,
Fig. 6), clapper (#3, Fig. 6), and seal face
plate subassembly (#5, Fig. 6) for damage.
If inspection indicates damage to the clapper
(#3, Fig. 6) or seal faceplate subassembly
(#5, Fig. 6) only, then the clapper subassem
bly can be removed as follows:
At the rear of the deluge valve, disconnect the
water column drain trim section at the ¾” un
ion (#68, Fig. 2). Remove the retaining ring
(handhold cover side) from the clapper hinge
pin (#14, Fig. 6) and push this pin through the
water column drain line and remove the clap
per subassembly. Remove the four retaining
screws (#24, Fig. 6) holding the seal face
plate subassembly (#5, Fig. 6). Inspect the
clapper (#3, Fig. 6) visually before re-install
ing. Apply a small amount of silicone-based
lubricant to the four retaining screws. Install a
new seal faceplate subassembly. Torque the
retaining screws to approximately 40
inch-pounds and reassemble.
If the seat (#2, Fig. 6) is damaged or it is sus
pected that the leakage is through the lower
O-ring (#11, Fig. 6), the seat-clapper subas
sembly is easilyremoved as aunit as follows:
Using a 5/16” Allen wrench, remove the two
3/8” NPT pipe plugs (#19 (not shown) Fig. 6)
located on the side of the Model DDX Deluge
Valve. The seat-clapper subassembly is re
tained by two locking pins (#17 (not shown)
Fig. 6). The centers of these pins have a
¼”-20 threaded hole. Remove the two lock
ing pins by engaging them with a ¼”-20
screw or threaded rod and pulling them out.
The two locking pins are not threaded,
so turning them with the attached ¼”-20
screw or threaded rod is not recommended.
A proven method is to use ¼”-20 threaded
rod with a locknut on the un-inserted end.
Grab hold of the locknut with pliers or
vice-grips and tap the pliers or vice-grips in
the direction moving away from the deluge
valve. Doing so should pull the locking pins
out of the deluge valve. With the clapper (#2,
Fig. 6) in the closed position (not latched),
dislodge the seat-clapper subassembly from
the deluge valve’s body by inserting two
large flathead screw drivers under the lever
and clapper mounting ears of the seat and
pry up until the seat-clapper subassembly is
free of its bore. Reach into the deluge valve
and grasp the seat-clapper subassembly
from the sides. Lift up and rotate the
seat-clapper subassembly through 90 de-
grees about the main access of deluge valve
so that the lever-side of the seat-clapper sub-
assembly faces the outlet of the deluge
valve. Rotate the seat-clapper subassembly
aroundthe centerline of thedeluge valve until
the top of the clapper faces the handhold
opening and then pull it out clapper
hinge-pin side first. Visually examine all of
the components of the seat-clapper subas
sembly, replacing any component that ap
pears damaged. New O-rings (#11, Fig. 6)
should always be used for reassembly.
It is likely that the lower seat O-ring (#11, Fig.
6) has remained at the bottom of the deluge
valve body’s bore. Discard this O-ring and
clean the bore. Lubricatethe bore with O-ring
grease and place the lower seat O-ring on
the step at the bottom of the bore, verifying
that it is in full contact with the bore. Lubri
cate the bottom step and upper seat O-ring
(#11, Fig. 6) of the refurbished seat-clapper
subassembly. Insert the seat-clappersubas
sembly into the handhold opening of the de
luge valve lever-first, rotating it until the lever
side faces the outlet of the deluge valve. Ro
tate the seat-clapper subassembly until the
lever (#7, Fig. 6) faces the push rod (#20, Fig.
6), then drop the seat-clapper subassembly
into the deluge valve’s bore. Verify that the
seat-clapper subassembly is fullydepressed
in to the deluge valve’s body. Check to see
that the lever lines up with the push rod. Ad