Loading a Rifle With a Hinged Floor Plate
1. Keep the rifle pointed in a safe direction throughout the loading process.
2. Make sure the safety mechanism is engaged in the “safe” position.
3. Lift the bolt handle and pull the bolt all the way to the rear.
(See Picture 10)
4. Place a cartridge in the receiver just forward of the bolt. Press the cartridge downward with your thumb
until it snaps into the magazine.
(See Picture 11)
5. Press each successive cartridge into the magazine in a similar fashion.
6. When the magazine is loaded to capacity, one additional cartridge may be loaded directly into the cham-
ber. To accomplish this, insert the round directly into the chamber, and then press down on the top car-
tridge in the magazine as you close the bolt.
Picture 12)
7. Your rifle is now in the ready-to-fire condition, loaded with a round in the chamber and a full magazine.
Single loading: Y
our rifle may be loaded with a single round in the chamber and no cartridges in the magazine. T
o single-load the rifle, simply
skip Steps 4 and 5 above.
Loading the magazine only: Your rifle may be loaded with no round in the chamber and a full magazine. To accomplish this type of loading,
follow Steps l through 5 above. Then do not load a round directly into the chamber and press down on the top cartridge of the magazine as you
slide the bolt closed over that cartridge. The bolt will now be closed over an empty chamber
. A round may subsequently be loaded into the
chamber for firing by opening and fully retracting the bolt and then closing the bolt, stripping off the top cartridge from the magazine into the
Picture 10
Picture 11
Picture 12