
RFL NCM RFL Electronics Inc.
November 6, 2007 19 (973) 334-3100
16. If you plan to operate the NCM module under local control, perform the following steps;
otherwise, go to step 17 for remote control. Local control is recommended for NMS application
a. Set to local control by placing DIP switch SW10-3 in the UP position.
b. Turn service on by placing DIP switch SW10-4 in the UP position.
c. Slide the module into the selected module slot until it is firmly seated and the module
front panel is flush with the top and bottom of the shelf.
d. Go to step 18.
17. If you plan to operate the NCM module under remote control, perform the following steps:
a. Set to local control by placing DIP switch SW10-3 in the UP position.
b. Turn service off by placing DIP switch SW10-4 in the DOWN position.
c. Slide the module into the selected module slot until it is firmly seated and the module
front panel is flush with the top and bottom of the shelf.
d. Wait 15 seconds for the NCM module’s parameter settings to be loaded into the shelf
Common Module.
e. Pull the module out of the shelf and set to remote control by placing DIP switch SW10-
3 in the DOWN position.
Do not move SW10-4.
f. Slide the module back into the shelf.
g. Verify the module configuration through remote control by issuing a “CONFIG?”
query. See the Remote Control Interface section of this Instruction Data Sheet for an
explanation of the “CONFIG?” response.
h. Turn service on through remote control by issuing a “SRVC=ON” command.
The operating parameters of the NCM module can now be changed by
remote control. See the Remote Control Interface section of this Instruction
Data Sheet for more information.
i. Go to step 18.
18. On the Module Record Card located to the right of the shelf, record the channel bank type, time
slot, and any other pertinent information.
19. The NCM module is now installed. If your multiplexer is set up for remote access and control,
you can now change the operating parameters of the module by using simple commands. For
more information on remote access and control, consult your multiplexer operation manual.