Rio Advanced Digital Audio Center User’s Guide | 87
4. Press Down on the Navigation Button to highlight the game you want to
5. Press Select on the Navigation Button to display a screen where you can
choose to:
• Get instructions on how to play the selected game
• Learn more about the game, or
• Start playing the game.
Upgrade your Rio Advanced Digital Audio
Occasionally new firmware is released for the Rio Advanced Digital Audio Center
to improve available features or to fix issues that may arise. There are three
options for updating your Rio Advanced Digital Audio Center’s firmware.
Software upgrade CD
You can purchase Software Upgrade CDs by contacting our Customer Care
department at 1(800)-468-5846 or 1(541)-967-2450.
1. Press the Eject button to open the CD Tray.
2. Place the Software Upgrade CD in the CD Tray and press the Eject
button again to close the CD Tray.
The Rio Advanced Digital Audio Center displays a message that it is reading
the CD and then identifies it as a data CD with a software upgrade. It displays
the message, “Software upgrade available from CD. Do what with
3. Press Apply Upgrade on the Navigation Button.
The Rio Advanced Digital Audio Center reboots to the Software Upgrade
screen with the question, “Upgrade to version ##?” where ## is the
version number of the new firmware.
The Navigation Icon displays three options: Upgrade Now, Restore “As
New”, and Cancel.
NOTE: If you choose the Restore “As New” option, the software
upgrade will delete all the files on your Rio Advanced Digital
Audio Center’s hard drive, load the new firmware, and leave
your unit with a clean hard drive. All CDs you recorded onto
your unit will be gone and you will have to record your music
again. When it finishes the upgrade you will also be prompted
to agree to the license agreement again, and set up the time,
date, timezone, and recording quality settings.
4. Press Upgrade Now.
The Rio Advanced Audio Center displays the Upgrading Player screen with
a status bar, then the Initializing Music Storage screen with a status bar
before displaying the Upgrading Database screen with a status bar.
When it has finished upgrading the firmware, the system reboots to refresh its
settings, and then returns to the Now Playing screen.