Rio Forge
Why would I ever want to
reformat my Rio Forge?
• If for any reason you suspect that your Rio player's file system has been
corrupted, reformatting the player will restore the file system to its original state.
Use Windows Explorer to format Mass Storage Class compatible Rio players.
1 Double-click My Computer on the Windows Desktop or in the Start Menu.
2 Locate the Removable Disk (X:) or Player (X:) icon that is associated with
the player. (X: equals the drive letter assigned to the Rio player.)
3 Right-click the Removable Disk (X:) or Player (X:) icon.
4 Click Format....
Reformatting your Rio player will result in the deletion of all tracks and settings
on the Rio player and any attached Memory Cards (if any). Reformatting your
Rio player will immediately cancel any transfers currently in progress.
5 If you are sure you want to reformat your player, click Start.
Why won’t the Rio Forge
play secure, dated, or
other DRM (digital rights
management) encoded
• DRM files may not work properly if the Rio Forge’s internal clock is no longer
accurate. This can happen if the battery loses all charge for more than a few
minutes. Make sure the battery is fully charged, then follow these steps:
1 Connect the Rio Forge to the computer using the USB cable.
2 Transfer any track to the player using Rio Music Manager.
• Connect to the secure service where the DRM encoded files came from.
The Rio Forge’s clock should now be in sync with your computer’s clock.
DRM files should now play correctly.