
In G-Grand, the pads play rhythm patterns. Rhythm patterns can be great for
playing along with, onstage or when you’re composing or jamming. Press a
pad to begin playback of its rhythm pattern—the pad flashes as the pattern
plays. To change immediately to another rhythm pattern, press another pad.
To stop playing a rhythm, press the currently flashing pad.
In the Fantom-G, rhythm patterns are phrases belonging to the current
project that play the rhythm sounds of the current live set. The ones
you’re hearing now belong to the Fantom-G’s demo project. (We’ll
explain projects in the third Fantom-G Workshop booklet, Saving Your
Work on the Fantom-G.)
We’ll discuss rhythm patterns in detail in the Rhythm Patterns, RPS, Arpeggios,
and Chord Memory Workshop booklet.
Check out the Pad Mode setting in this live set: RPS TEMP 98BPM shows off
the Fantom-G’s Realtime Phrase Synthesis, or “RPS,” capabilities. With RPS,
you can trigger sequenced phrases from the DYNAMIC PADS. This lets you
use passages onstage or in recording that would otherwise be too hard to
play. You can also use RPS to quickly construct entire songs by stringing
RPS phrases together. An RPS phrase can contain a complete arrangement’s
worth of sequenced instruments, or any set of sounds you want to use.
To play an RPS phrase, strike its lit pad—the RPS phrase uses the live set’s
sounds. RPS TEMP 98BPM is set up so that striking a second RPS pad stops
playback of any currently playing phrase and starts playback of the new one.
In the Fantom-G, RPS phrases and rhythm patterns are similar, though more
playback options for RPS phrases are provided since they tend to be more
complex. To stop playback of an RPS phrase, strike its flashing pad.
We’ll discuss RPS phrases in detail in the Rhythm Patterns, RPS, Arpeggios, and
Chord Memory Workshop booklet.
PRST 021:Bell Mystic
Bell Mystic is a textured, tinkling live set that uses the Fantom-G’s arpeggiator.
Hold down a chord, and note how the glockenspiel part plays a repeating
pattern using the notes you’re playing. You can watch the arpeggiator work.
First, let go of the chord. Then, hold down the SHIFT button and press the
ARPEGGIO button—the Arpeggio screen appears.
Play the chord again—or another chord if you like—and watch the onscreen
keyboard to see your notes being arpeggiated.