PB Range° (Pitch Bend Range)
(0~24, Default setting: 2) This parameter allows you to set the
interval that will be used when you push the BENDER/MODU-
LATION lever fully to the left or to the right (Pitch Bend effect).
You can set this parameter in semitone steps, with a maximum
of 24 semitones (2 octaves), the default value being “2”, which
should be OK in most situations.
Note: Pitch Bend is only available for the Main, Dual and Split
parts. See also p. 31.
KeySplit* (Split point)
(48~84, Default setting: 60) Use this parameter to set the split
point for the Arranger mode and the Split part. The note you
set here is the lowest note you can play with the Main part. The
number refers to a note. “60” corresponds to the note “C4”.
Note: You can also select this parameter by pressing and holding
the [ARRANGER/BAND] button.
SpltHold* (Hold function for the Split part)
(On/Off, Default setting: Off) The SpltHold function memorizes
the chords you play while the Split part is on and holds the
corresponding notes until you play another chord.
Splt Int* (Split Chord Intelligence)
(On/Off, Default setting: Off) When you activate the [SPLIT] but-
ton, the E-200/E-100’s Split Chord Intelligence function allows
you to play major chords by pressing just one key, minor chords
by pressing two keys, and more complex chords by pressing
three keys. This system thus follows Arranger control, which is
why it would be a good idea to select “On” whenever you are
using the Split part while the icon is displayed.
FSW° (Footswitch Assign)
(Default setting: Sustain) After connecting an optional DP-2,
DP-6, or BOSS FS-5U to the FOOTSWITCH socket on the rear
panel, you can use this parameter for assigning a function to
the footswitch.
Sustain: Also called “Hold” or “Damper”, this function allows
you to use the footswitch to hold the notes you play on the
keyboard in much the same way as on an acoustic piano.
Sostenut: In this case, the footswitch functions as Sostenuto
pedal (another pedal found on grand and digital pianos that
allows you to sustain only those notes you played at the time
you pressed the pedal).
Note: This function only applies to the Keyboard parts.
Soft: In this case, the footswitch functions as Soft pedal (a
pedal found on grand and digital pianos that reduces the vol-
Note: This function only applies to the Keyboard parts.
Rotary S/F: Allows you to select the slow or fast speed of the
Rotary effect. This only works, if the “Rotary” type is assigned
to the MFX (see p. 32).
UsrPrgUp: Selects the next User Program (i.e. “10” if “9” is cur-
rently active).
UsrPrgDw: Selects the previous User Program (i.e. “1” if “10” is
currently active).
Start/Stop: Starts and stops Arranger or Song playback. Same
function as the [START÷STOP] button.
Bass Inv: Switches the Bass Inversion function on and off (see
p. 27).
Punch I/O: The footswitch can be used to activate and switch
off punch in/out recording (see p. 25).
METRONOM parameters
Metro TS° (metronome time signature)
(1/4~6/4, 6/8, 9/8, Default setting: 4/4) This parameter allows
you to set the metronome’s time signature (number of beats
per bar). Please bear in mind that this setting changes when-
ever you select a Music Style with a different time signature.
See also p. 12 for how to use the metronome. This parameter
can also be selected by holding down the [METRONOME] but-
Metro Vol° (metronome volume)
(0~127, Default setting: 100) Use this parameter whenever you
think the metronome is too loud/soft with respect to the
music. The default value is usually an appropriate setting.
(On/Off, Default setting: Off) This parameter allows you to
switch the count-in function for punch-in and normal record-
ing (see p. 24) on or off. When on, the metronome will count
down two measures (8 beats for a song with a 4/4 time signa-
Note: At power-on, the Count-In function is reset to “Off”.
OCTAVE parameters
MAIN Oct*, DUAL Oct*, SPLIT Oct* (octave transposition)
(–4~0~4, Default setting: 0) These three parameters allow you
to shift the octave of the part in question (Main, Split, or Dual)
up or down by up to four octaves. This can be useful for
Techno/Dance songs where you need a piano sound that plays
in two different octaves.
To achieve this, assign two different (or the same) piano sounds
to Main and Dual, activate the [DUAL] button, and set DUAL
Octv to “–1” (or “1”).
Note: When a Drum Kit is assigned to the Main part, the pitch of
the drum/percussion sounds is not transposed. Instead, the keys
are assigned to other drum/percussion sounds (“shifted”). Example:
after setting “MAIN Oct” to “–1”, the bass drum can be played with
the C3 key (rather than the C2), while other sounds are available to
the left of the C3.
VOLUME parameters
Main Vol*, Dual Vol*, SpltVol*: volume
(0~127, Default setting: 127 Main/110 Dual/100 Split) These
three parameters allow you to set the volume of the Main,
Dual, and Split parts respectively. Please note that the settings
you make here have no effect if you used BALANCE [ACCOMP]
to set the maximum volume for the Arranger/Song parts.
Note: The volume of the Dual part can also be set by holding
down [DUAL] while pressing [ACCOMP] or [KEYBOARD]. The same
is true of the Split part, except that you need to press and hold
Main Vol
E-200_US Page 38 Tuesday, January 27, 2004 4:01 PM