Operating and Maintenance Instructions
safe direction to release the remaining hose pressure. The pepper
spray residue in the hose may drip if not contained.
Whenever refilling the X-10C chemical cylinder, be sure to
follow the procedures contained in the X-10OC Extension
Device, Operating and Filling Instructions.
IMPORTANT - The X-10SW is a high pressure gas less-lethal
weapon. Careful handling and proper training is required. The X-
10SW high pressure hose contains Oleoresin Capsicum (pepper
spray) under high pressure when the X-10C valve is opened. The
pressure MUST BE RELEASED BEFORE the hose is discon-
nected. When the X-10SW hose is disconnected from the X-10C
Chemical Cylinder, be careful that no pepper spray chemical
residue drips from the high pressure hose connector.