Run a separate 2-conductor stranded copper speaker
cable of at least 16 AWG (1.5 mm) from the amplifi ed
keypad or amplifi er to each speaker. (Note: When using
the RC61S stereo ceiling speaker, run either one 4-con-
ductor cable or two 2-conductor cables to the speaker.)
Be sure to use cable with the appropriate fi re resistance
rating for the application. Check the local building
code for specifi c requirements. Russound offers 2- and
4-conductor speaker cables with a Class 3 fi re rating for
in-wall installation.
When running a speaker cable parallel to an AC power
cable, keep them at least 12 inches (30 cm) apart to
minimize electromagnetic interference. If the speaker
cables must cross AC wiring, cross them at right angles.
Leave about 2 feet (0.6 m) of cable at the keypad or
amplifi er end for connecting to the output terminals.
Label the cables so you will know which cable connects
to each channel. At each speaker location, leave enough
cable so that at least 2 feet (0.6 m) can extend through
the cutout for connecting to the speaker.
Cutting Holes in Existing Wallboard
Note: Ratio speakers are designed to mount to ceiling
and wall material between ½ inch (1.3 cm) and ¾ inch
(1.9 cm) thick. Spacers on the spring clips accommodate
varying thicknesses of material within this range.
1. Once you have determined roughly where to place
the speakers, use a stud fi nder to locate the wall
studs or ceiling joists and mark their location.
2. Check to make sure there are no obstructions such as
electrical cables, water pipes, or heating ducts where
you want to put the speakers.
3. Position the provided cutout template on the wall or
ceiling and trace around it with a pencil to draw the
outline of the cutout.
4. Score the outline with a utility knife to prevent chip-
ping or tearing. Then use a drywall saw or spiral-cut
tool to cut the hole. Make sure you don’t make the
hole any larger than the template.
Installing Rough-In Brackets
If the walls and ceilings are not yet in place, you can
use Russound rough-in brackets to mark the speaker
locations and provide templates for making the cutouts.
Nail or screw the wings of the rough-in bracket to the
ceiling joists or wall studs, with the opening between
them where you want the speaker to be. The drywall
installer can then use the bracket as a template to cut
the hole in the wallboard exactly the same size as the
bracket ring.
Painting the Speakers
The speaker frames and grilles can be painted to match
the room décor. Be sure not to get paint on the speaker
baffl es or drivers.
1. Gently pull off the speaker grilles, making sure not to
distort them. To remove the grilles from the ceiling
speakers, fi rst unbend the retainer tabs on the edges
of the grilles. Remove the scrim cloths from inside
the grilles and set them aside for reassembly.
2. Mask the baffl es (the areas inside the frames that
house the drivers) with the provided paint shields. If
you will be spraying the frames, also mask the back
of the speakers to keep overspray off the drivers.
3. Paint the frames and grilles separately. Spraying is
ideal, but if you can’t spray the paint, a roller with a
short or medium nap will work better than a brush.
4. While the paint is still wet, clear any clogged holes in
the grilles with bursts of compressed air.
5. After the paint has thoroughly dried, remove the
The cardboard template supplied with each speaker has perforations for the cutout and a paint shield