12 13
pressure on the handlebar for more shallow cultivating.
If the machine stays and digs in one spot, try rocking the unit
from side to side to start it moving forward again.
If the soil is very hard, water a few days before cultivating.
Avoid working the soil when soggy or wet. Wait a day or two
after heavy rain for the ground to dry.
Fig. 13
See Figure 14.
Shallow cultivating less than 2 in. deep can be used to disrupt
weeds and aerate soil, without injuring nearby plant roots. It
should be done often so that weeds do not grow large and
cause tangling in the tines of the unit.
The two outer tine blades can be removed from the unit to
allow a more narrow cultivating width.
To remove the two outer tines:
n Disconnect the spark plug.
n Remove the hitch pins from the holes on the ends of the
tine shaft.
n Remove the outside tine blades and felt washers from
the tine shaft.
n Place hitch pins in the holes that were uncovered when
felt washers were removed.
NOTE: The unit will not operate properly if the tines are in-
stalled incorrectly. If you notice a problem with the cultivating
operation of the unit, check for proper tine positioning.
Fig. 14