tion by using the transfer feature.The forwarded station user can continue to originate calls as usual.If no key
is programmed as Forward All, the TRSF key lights steady when a Forward All condition is set.
This feature forwards all calls only when the station set is busy.The station user can originate calls as usual.
No Answer
This feature forwards calls that are not answered within a preprogrammed time.The user can originate calls
as usual and receive call if present.The timer is programmable on a per-station basis to allow for differences
in individual work habits.
Busy /No Answer
This feature allows the station user to use both types of forwarding simultaneously,provided the destinations
have already been entered in the usual manner.
Forward DND
This feature works with the Do Not Disturb feature.This allows calls directed to a station in Do Not Disturb or
One Time Do Not Disturb to forward immediately to another destination.
Follow Me
This feature allows the user to forward all calls from another station to the user’s station or change the for-
ward destination to the user’s current location.
Stations can be programmed to forward all, forward busy, forward no answer, forward DND C.O. calls to an
external number via a central office trunk if allowed by class of service. Intercom calls may also be pro-
grammed to forward to an external number via a central office trunk.
To Voice Mail
Each station may be programmed to allow or deny the ability to forward intercom calls to voice mail.When
denied,valuable message time in the voice mail system can be saved.
Preset Destination
If desired this feature provides for a permanent (preset) forward no answer destination for each extension.It
can only be programmed by the system technician or system administrator.When any station does not have
FWD/NO-ANSWER set,the call will ring this preset destination if one is programmed.
Preset Forward Busy
This feature allows the Preset Forward No Answer setting to also work for Busy status.When PRESET BUSY is
turned on the calls will follow the preset for both busy and no answer conditions.
Outside calls can be placed on exclusive hold at any keyset by pressing HOLD twice during a call.Calls placed
on exclusive hold can only be retrieved at the keyset that placed the call on hold. Intercom calls are always
placed on exclusive hold.Exclusive hold for trunk calls can be denied in class of service.