Movie lovers can experience the fun and convenience of
Moviefone on their Galaxy Tab. With Moviefone mobile apps
and a custom mobile web experience, you are mere taps
away from on-the-go movie planning. Browse a directory of
movies, check the latest theater showtimes, find theater
locations nearest to you, buy tickets in advance, view original
movie content and news, and read movie reviews. With
Moviefone and your Galaxy Tab, you have movies at your
1. From a Home screen, touch
2. Touch one of the following option tabs:
: Displays a list of movies playing in your area. Touch an
entry to get more information about the movie.
: Displays a list of movies that will be coming soon,
their release dates, and rating. Touch an entry to get more
information about the movie.
: Displays a list of theaters located near to your
present location. Touch an entry to get more information about
the theater including a list of movies offered there and
showtimes for today.
: Displays a list of video clips that show selected scenes
from current and upcoming movies. Touch an entry to play the
: Displays a list of articles about movies, actors, and
actresses from the past and present.
3. While viewing one of the options, touch
Menu (
the bottom left of the screen) for these options:
•Sort Movie
: Sort the list of movies By Release Date, By MPAA
Rating, or Alphabetically.
: Enter a movie you want to find.
•Edit Location
: Use your current location or use another location
based on a ZIP code.
• Settings
: Allows you to log in to Facebook.
• About
: Lists information about Moviefone including the license
Music Hub
The Music Hub lets you purchase and download songs and
For more information, refer to “Music Hub” on page 116.
From a Home screen, touch
Music Hub