8. NETWORK INFO: Provides all IP network related information.
Used to personalize your keyset.
1. MY NAME:Enters the user’s name on the phone.The name registered here is
displayed on the LCD screen od the opponent’s phone when making an inter-
nal call.
2. LANGUAGE: Sets a language between Korean and English
3. CHANGE PASSWORD: Changes the four-digit password that can lock the
phone from use.
4. LOCKED: Sets the lock status of the phone. This will restrict access to the
• UNLOCKED: Full Access.
• LOCKED OUT:Restricts outgoing calls.
• LOCK ALL: Restricts complete access to phone.
5. PRIVATE LIFE PROTECTION: Retricts access to the MENU button using a
6. PHONE VERSION: Displays the software version of the telephone.
7. RESET TO DEFAULT:Removes the data (phone number,messages) set by the
user and defaults the phone.
5. DIAL MODE:Select dial type options.(enblock-requires SEND button to com-
plete the call, or overlap - direct out dial)
• Scroll to or dial 9, press ENTER.
• Scroll LEFT/RIGHT to select desired display option.
• Press ENTER, display confirms save.
6. STATION ON/OFF: Turn various features/functions on/off in the keyset.
These features are:
AUTO HOLD: When on an outside call,pressing a line button,route button or
flashing CALL button will automatically put your call on hold and connect
you to the next call.
AUTO TIMER: Timer in LCD that monitors call duration.
HEADSET USE: Switches between headset and handset use.
HOT KEYPAD: Allows for dialing without lifting handset first.
PAGE REJOIN: Allows remaining portion of internal page to be played
through keyset speaker, after handset is replaced.
RING PREF: Allows for automatically answering of calls when handset is lift-
ed.(Does not require button press)
AME PASSWORD: Allows password protection of AME feature on set. This
prevents unauthorized listening to messages being left.
AUTO CAMPON: Allows intercom calls to be automatically camped on to,
when a busy station is called.
DIS SPDNAME: Allows the speed dial associated name to be displayed while
number is being dialed.
SECURE OHVA: Allows OHVA calls to be received by station in conversation
on handset.
CALL COST DISP: Display in LCD that monitors call cost, for duration of call.
CID REVIEW ALL: Allows user to review Caller ID information for calls sent to
the station.The list is programming dependent and operates on a first in first
out basis. Calls to displayed numbers can be returned with a single button
press,provided LCR is being used.
STOP CID DISPLAY: Discontinues CID information after call is answered.
AUTO ANS CO CALL: Allows CO calls to be auto answered on incoming calls.
• Scroll to or dial 0, press ENTER.
• Scroll to desired feature, press ENTER to change option status.
• Press CANCEL to enter change and return to main Configuration menu.