English 27
Cooking Smart
Food Amount Directions
F7 Drumsticks 1 serving (12 oz.)
2 servings (24 oz.)
(4 pcs per serving)
Rinse drumsticks and place them
on the high rack directly. When
the microwave beeps, turn over
drumsticks and press start to
F8 Roasted
2 servings (8 oz.)
4 servings (16 oz.)
Cut courgettes, carrots, zuccine
and brush them with 5 g oil.
Place sliced vegetables on the
crusty plate, then place the plate
on the high rack.
Slim Fry guide
Food Amount Directions
F1 Frozen Prawns 2 servings (8 oz.)
4 servings (16 oz.)
Place frozen prawns on the
crusty plate, then place the plate
on the high rack.
F2 Frozen Chicken
2 servings (10 ea.)
4 servings (20 ea.)
(5 ea. per serving)
Place frozen chicken nuggets on
the crusty plate, then place the
plate on the high rack.
F3 Frozen Mini
Spring Rolls
1 serving (8 oz.)
2 servings (16 oz.)
Place frozen mini spring rolls on
the crusty plate, then place the
plate on the high rack.
F4 Homemade
French Fries
2 servings (8 oz.)
4 servings (12 oz.)
Peel potatoes and cut into sticks
with a thickness of 10×10mm.
Soak in cold water for 30-40
minutes (Put some salt in the
cold water for the osmotic
pressure.) Dry them with a towel
then brush with 5 g oil. (Have to
remove the moisture completely.
Otherwise, potatoes may get
scorched and stick to the bottom
of the tray.) Place them on the
crusty plate, then place the plate
on the high rack.
F5 Frozen Potato
2 servings (8 oz.)
4 servings (16 oz.)
Place frozen potato wedges on
the crusty plate, then place the
plate on the high rack.
F6 Frozen Potato
2 servings (8 oz.)
4 servings (16 oz.)
Place frozen potato croquettes on
the crusty plate, then place the
plate on the high rack.
MC12J8035CT_AA_DE68-04367A-02_EN.indd 27 2015-12-11 �� 4:34:37