Guideline displays straight line patterns on the LCD screen that can help you set the image
composition when recording images. The camcorder provides 3 types of guidelines.
Select the record mode by pressing the MODE button, _page 23
1. Touch the Menu (i_) tab -*"Guideline."
2. Touch the desired guideline according to the subject.
• The selected guideline appears on the screen.
3. To exit the menu, touch the Exit (_) or Return ([!}) tab.
• off: Disables the function,
• [] : Placing the subject at the centre cross point puts the subject in
the middle of the frame,
• D :Poskioning subjects within the Safety Zone rectangle ensures
they will be recorded,
• [] : For recording multiple subjects, Putting subjects at or near the
grid cross points creates a balanced composition.
• Positioning a subject at the cross point of a guideline provides a balanced composition,
• Guidelines are not recorded,