Periodical Checks
Type Description Monthly Every 4 months Once a year
Indoor unit
Clean the air filter
Clean the condensate drain pan (2)
Thoroughly clean the heat exchanger (2)
Clean the condensate drain pipe (2)
Replace the remote control batteries
Outdoor unit
Clean the heat exchanger on the outside
of the unit (2)
Clean the heat exchanger on the inside
of the unit (2)
Clean the electric components with jets
of air (2)
Verify that all the electric components
are firmly tightened (2)
Clean the fan (2)
Verify that all the fan assembly is firmly
tightened (2)
Clean the condensate drain pan (2)
The checks and maintenance operations described are essential to guarantee the efficiency of the air conditioner.
The frequency of these operations varies according to the characteristics of the area, the amount of dust, etc.
(1) The described operations should be performed more frequently if the area of installation is very dusty.
(2) These operations must always be performed by qualified personnel. For more detailed information, see the
Installation Manual.