
=> ICE-MAKER stops operation if function of ICE OFF has been selected. After if cubic / crushed
are selected, then water is supplied. If cubic / crushed are selected, now you can be promptly
provided with ice only that was already formed before selecting ice off.
1-7) When drawing out ice, this is extracted after DISPENSER SWITCH is depressed and ICE COVER is completely
ICE COVER is shut after 5 seconds from time point when DISPENSER SWITCH turned off after drawing out ice.
1-9) If DISPENSER SWITCH turned ON or WATER SWITCH turned ON, DISPENSER LAMP is lighted but turns off
after 5 seconds from time point when DISPENSER SWITCH and WATER SWITCH would have turned OFF.
Caution : because if ice cover is coercively closed then it may be damaged, please draw out ice once again if
ice cover would not be closed, so that the cover operate rationally.
6-1) This function is selected or canceled by light selection button.
6-2) If the light button is selected under light cancellation status, the LIGHT LED and the DISPENSER LIGHT turn on.
6-3) If the WATER SWITCH or the DISPENSER SWITCH is turned on, under the condition of light cancellation status, the
6-4) Under the condition of light function selection, the LIGHT LED and the DISPENSER LIGHT are always turned on
regardless of WATER SWITCH and DISPENSER SWITCH operation conditions.
2) Water Dispenser Function
2-1) As this function is type of direct connection to water, it works so that water is extracted by opening of water
solenoid valve installed at right side of machine compartment if water lever is depressed. If abnormality occurred
in water dispenser function, repair it by checking solenoid itself, connection tube, water supply status etc.
3-6) Light Operation
The temperature in this refrigerator is automatically controlled by program depending on ambient temperature.
Among the operative functions depending on ambient temperature, the compressor cooling fan (machine room
fan) is controlled as shown in the table below. Accordingly, in case that cooling fan may revolve with delay or
may not revolve at all according to conditions when operating the compressor, please be acquainted with
details and refer to them during service.
3-7) Machine Room F-Fan Motor Delay Function
Note) When drawing out ice after selecting the ice stop, only the ice remaining in ice tray may be drawn
out. And even when ice stop has been selected, cubic / crushed may be used restricted to the
remaining ice.
Temperature Range
Exterior temperature 46.4
Exterior temperature 44.6
Machine room fan is immediately tuned on as the compressor is ON.
Machine room fan is OFF regardless of the compressor.
Machine Room
Fan Delay Function
Load Operation Condition