
FEATURES (Continued)
Interrupt Controller
55 Interrupt sources
(One Watch dog timer, 5 timers, 9 UARTs, 24
external interrupts, 4 DMA, 2 RTC, 2 ADC, 1 IIC, 2
SPI, 1 SDI, 2 USB, 1 LCD, and 1 Battery Fault)
Level/Edge mode on external interrupt source
Programmable polarity of edge and level
Supports Fast Interrupt request (FIQ) for very
urgent interrupt request
Timer with Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
4-ch 16-bit Timer with PWM / 1-ch 16-bit internal
timer with DMA-based or interrupt-based operation
Programmable duty cycle, frequency, and polarity
Dead-zone generation
Supports external clock sources
RTC (Real Time Clock)
Full clock feature: second, minute, hour, date,
day, month, and year
32.768 KHz operation
Alarm interrupt
Time tick interrupt
General Purpose Input/Output Ports
24 external interrupt ports
multiplexed input/output ports
3-channel UART with DMA-based or interrupt-
based operation
Supports 5-bit, 6-bit, 7-bit, or 8-bit serial data
transmit/receive (Tx/Rx)
Supports external clocks for the UART operation
Programmable baud rate
Supports IrDA 1.0
Loopback mode for testing
Each channel has internal 16-byte Tx FIFO and
16-byte Rx FIFO.
DMA Controller
4-ch DMA controller
Supports memory to memory, IO to memory,
memory to IO, and IO to IO transfers
Burst transfer mode to enhance the transfer rate
A/D Converter & Touch Screen Interface
8-ch multiplexed ADC
Max. 500KSPS and 10-bit Resolution
LCD Controller STN LCD Displays Feature
Supports 3 types of STN LCD panels: 4-bit dual
scan, 4-bit single scan, 8-bit single scan display
Supports monochrome mode, 4 gray levels, 16
gray levels, 256 colors and 4096 colors for STN
Supports multiple screen size
Typical actual screen size: 640x480, 320x240,
160x160, and others
Maximum virtual screen size is 4 Mbytes.
Maximum virtual screen size in 256 color
mode: 4096x1024, 2048x2048, 1024x4096,
and others
TFT(Thin Film Transistor) Color Displays Feature
Supports 1, 2, 4 or 8 bpp (bit-per-pixel) palette
color displays for color TFT
Supports 16 bpp non-palette true-color displays
for color TFT
Supports maximum 16M color TFT at 24 bpp
Supports multiple screen size
Typical actual screen size: 640x480, 320x240,
160x160, and others
Maximum virtual screen size is 4Mbytes.
Maximum virtual screen size in 64K color mode:
2048x1024, and others