TV Aspect Ratio
Set the aspect ratio (length x width) of your TV screen so the DVD
player will display movies at the appropriate size for your
television. Choose from standard, letterbox, or widescreen format.
With the DVD in stop mode, press the SETUP button.
2 Select “DVD Setup”
Using the up and down buttons, move the selection cursor to “DVD
Setup,” then press ENTER to select.
3 Set “TV Aspect”
Move the selection bar to “TV Aspect”, then press the left or right
button to select from the following options:
• Widescreen – This method allows you to view the full 16:9
picture on a widescreen television.
• Letterbox – This method displays the full width of the
widescreen movie on a standard 4:3 television. As a result,
black bars will appear at the top and bottom of the screen.
• Pan-Scan – The familiar way of watching DVD and VHS
movies, this method selectively crops (by panning and scanning
to keep the most important part of the picture visible) wide
screen movies to fit a standard 4:3 television screen.
W i d e
L e t t e r b o x
P a n - S c a n