Section 6: Cingular Music 85
The Buzz
The Buzz
This service allows you to navigate through Top 20 chart songs (in a variety of
categories). Other features of this service include streaming entertainment
news about your favorite music artists, access to an artists main page
(containing discographies, ringtones, concert dates, etc.), concert information,
games, and setup options for your own personal billboard notifications.
1. On the Home screen, press the Start > Cingular Music
> 6 The Buzz.
2. Press .
3. Highlight The Buzz and press the key.
4. Press the Trial soft key to accept the terms of the trial period. You
have only a few days to use the service before the trial period
expires. If at any time you wish to purchase a subscription to this
service, press the Buy soft key and follow the on screen prompts.
5. Enter an area code, phone number (without dashes), and Zip code
into the appropriate fields on the Customize screen. Use the Up or
Down Navigation key to switch between fields.
6. Press the Confirm soft key to accept and save your information.
7. Once the phone number has been successfully registered, press the
OK soft key to continue onto the main Billboard mobile menu where
you are given a list of categories to choose from:
ⅷ CHARTS: provides you with a top 20 list of popular Ringtones, and tunes
such as R&B/Hip Hop, Rock, Pop, Latin, Country, and Rap.
ⅷ NEWS & REVIEWS: provides you with links to some of the latest news
about your favorite artists.
ⅷ ARTISTS: features a personalized artist web page for an available artist
which includes a bio, discography info, ringtones, tour dates, etc.
ⅷ CONCERTS: allows you to search for a concert by using either the artist
name, venue, type, or city/state/zip information.
ⅷ GAMES: allows you to use your keypad to play an entertainment-based
guessing game by entering in names, dates, and places.
ⅷ MY BILLBOARD: allows you to refine your Billboard mobile experience by
configuring your text message preferences, personal settings, and alerts.
8. Exit the application at any time by simply pressing the key.