adjusting settings
Access the Settings menu
Application settings
Menu Function
Include body when replying: Set to include
an original message when you send a reply
Request read report: Set the network
to alert you when recipients read your
Request delivery report: Set the network
to alert you when recipients receive your
Add my name card: Set to add your
namecard in Phonebook to your messages
Add signature: Set to add your signature to
your messages
Input signature: If you select to add a
signature, enter your signature
Receiving options - : Set the options for
receiving email messages
Download limit: Set the maximum size for
downloading messages
Auto polling: Set the phone to automatically
check the email account and download new
Polling frequency: If you select to download
emails automatically, set an interval in which
the phone will check the account
Send read report: Set the network to alert
senders when you read messages
Block address: Set the phone to block emails
addresses that you want to block
Block subject: Set the phone to block emails
you want to block
Emailproles - :Selectaconnectionprole
Email accounts - : Select an email account.
To edit the settings, press <Options>
Account name: Enter a name for the account
SMTP server: Enter the address or name of
the SMTP server