Notices and Safety Instructions
1) Do not placethe camcordersothat the
viewfinderis pointingtowardsthe sun.
Directsunlightcandamagethe insideof the
viewflnder,Be carefulwhen placingthe
camcorderunder sunlight or by a window.
2) Do not pick upthe camcorderbythe viewfinder,
3) Unintendedrotationmay causedamageto the
1) A sudden rise in atmospheric temperature may cause condensation to
form inside the camcorder,
for example:
• When you take the camcorder from cold temperature outside to
warm temperature inside during the winter.
• When you take the camcorder from cool temperature inside to
hot temperature outside during the summer.
2) If the "DEW" protectionfeatureis activated,leavethe camcorder in a
dry,warm roomwith the cassettecompartmentopenedand the battery
3) If the "DEW" protection feature is activated unexpectedly,
and you want to override it, detach, then reinstall the battery pack
and lithium battery.
Please make sure that the condensation has disappeared
completely. (see page 71)
_'_ DEW